920 3rd Ave

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920 THIRD AVE / Fox-Downer House – circa 1890s

Map: 920 3rd Ave., Longmont, CO 80501

Dating from construction in the late 1890s, the Fox-Downer House is named for J.M. Fox who joined with others heading west to the Chicago-Colorado Colony and arrived in Longmont in 1872. In the year of their arrival, J.M. built the first flour mill in Longmont. In 1873, he signed the Town’s incorporation documents and became one of the “founding fathers” of Longmont.

Frank Downer came to Longmont in 1881. He served as the town clerk from 1883-1884, later as town trustee, and finally was elected as Mayor in 1898. Working with farmers and businessmen to attract this new industry to Longmont Downer became an officer of the Longmont Beet Sugar Company. In mid-October 1903, the first sugar beets were delivered to the new factory that became an integral part of the Great Western Sugar Company. Lisa Patchem began enjoying the home this year.