
Volunteers for the Home Tour act as home hosts, greeting people as they enter the home, taking admission for those who haven’t already paid, answering questions about the tour and making sure that visitors don’t wander to places they shouldn’t.

If you would like to volunteer for the 2014 Home Tour please click here to sign-up for a shift or contact Erin at co_conlins@hotmail.com.

There are two shifts in each home.  The morning shift is 10 am to 1 pm. The afternoon shift is 1 pm to 4 pm.  By volunteering, you’ll have an opportunity to take the tour yourself, before or after your shift, at no charge.  And it’s a great way to see a lot of neighbors that you may not see too often.

Thanks, in advance, for your support.

One thought on “Volunteer

  1. Pingback: Home Tour Selects 2013 Charity | HWNA Longmont

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